We’ll take a time to find out how to leave the band. The band is a closed information delivery SNS produced by Naver, which is useful these days. As it is used a lot, many people joined easily,

but many people don’t know how to leave the unnecessary band.

I made this post with the hope that you can easily understand how to leave the band by referring to the post I made. I will check how to leave the band in the article below.

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How to leave the BAND

The band was released on August 8, 2012, and is a popular communication delivery app that has recorded 35 million downloads in two years. Key features include bulletin

boards, chats, photo albums, calendars, member address books, voting, and alumni search, and people in the band can also share content with other bands or outside.There are two ways to leave the band. Let’s look into both ways.

Leave the band you joined

First, you have to leave the band you joined. It’s not a way to leave the band itself, but a way to leave the band you joined.

🔗joined naver band

First, run the “band” application. Run the band application and enter the band you want to leave. Enter the band and press the red square box like the screen below.

If you press the red square box, the screen appears as shown below, but if you lower it to the bottom, there is “Leave the band.” Press “Leave the band”.

If you press Leave, the center screen will appear and the screen will say, “Do you want to leave the band?” Press “Leave this band” here. If you press “Leave this band,” it will be processed normally and you will not be able to receive any news.

Leaving the NAVER band

Above, if you left the band you joined, here’s how to leave the band itself. If you don’t need a band application or need to leave, you can follow this method exactly.

First, do the band execution as above. When you run the band, tap the red square box at the bottom and to the right.

If you press the red square box, you will see your information, and press the red square box “Settings” on the left screen.

If you press the red square box, you’ll see the right screen, and pull it down to the bottom. If you lower it, there’s a “Leave Service” button Press this button to proceed with “Leave Service”.

more information site : subeinfo.com

If you press “Leave Service” above, you will see the screen below. If you check the red square box below, “I’ll delete your band account,” and click OK below, the withdrawal process will be completed.

When deleting an account (withdrawing from the service), all my profile, paid product purchases and downloads will disappear, all bands and pages participating will be withdrawn, and content created within the band service will not be deleted or modified.

We’ve learned how to leave the band Rather than withdrawing quickly or deleting an account, there is a way to think about it once more and turn off the alarm for the band you joined, so I recommend you think about it carefully and withdraw.

I wrote a post hoping it would help me a lot on how to leave the band, and I will continue to come to you with quality posts that will help me a lot. Thank you.